Sri Guru
Sri Radhe Kunj, Bhakta Bandhav Dham, is a center to preserve and inculcate the teachings of our Divine Master, Srila Gurudeva, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

Radhe Kunj was inaugurated in 2013 and has since quadrupled in size and become established in Vrindavan as a well-known center of bhakti culture and open-hearted prasadam distribution.

Temple Life
Life in Bhakta Bandhav Radhe Kunj centers around the five principles of pure bhakti given by Srila Rupa Gosvami: living in saintly association; in the holy places of Krsna’s appearance; while engaged in kirtana; hearing hari-katha; and worshipping the Deities with love and faith.
Essential Teaching
Along with this, we strive to always follow the essential teaching given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to incessantly perform nama-sankirtana and to continuously serve the Vaishnavas.

Essential Teaching
Along with this, we strive to always follow the essential teaching given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to incessantly perform nama-sankirtana and to continuously serve the Vaishnavas.

Life in the DhamA
In the predawn hours, devotees wake and go on parikrama of Vrindavan, circumambulating Krsna’s holy city of 5,000 temples.

Temple Residents
We have around 100 temple residents who spend the day absorbed in various services and spiritual pracices. Many devotees live full time in the ashram, others travel and preach with Radhe Kunj as a base, and many others visit from all around the world and happily stay on Radhe Kunj like a second home. Everyone blissfully lives here in the holy dham of Vrindavan, in high-class saintly association, and is sheltered from the influence of maya by constant engagement in bhakti-yoga.

Daily Program
The temple program begins at 4:00 a.m. with bhajans and prayers before mangala-arati. Then we have morning japa, bhajans, class, and guru-puja. After midday arati, we have two hours of mahamantra kirtan, while the lunch feast is distributed to hundreds of guests and Vrajavasis. In the afternoon, there are extra classes on various subjects, followed by evening bhajans, sandhya-arati, hari-katha, and sayana-arati of Sri Panca-tattva and Sri Radha-Vinoda Bihari. Besides this, devotees spend their time engaged in their various services and personal sadhana.

Daily Service
Temple services include Deity worship, with daily abhiseka and dressing of Sri Panca Tattva and Sri Radha-Vinoda Bihari; cooking an preparing a daly free prasada feast served to around 1000 guests in Radhe Kunj as well as around Vrindavana; book publication and distribution; temple developmient and maintenance; outreach programs; bhiksa, and much more.

Bhakti Books
Since 2015, we have published over 20 books on pure bhakti and the lives of the saints in our line, which are being translated and distributed around the world, alongside the thranscendental literature of Srila Gurudeva, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, and Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada.
Bhakti Books
Since 2015, we have published over 20 books on pure bhakti and the lives of the saints in our line, which are being translated and distributed around the world, alongside the thranscendental literature of Srila Gurudeva, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, and Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada.

Your contribution goes to the furthering of our mission, including book publications, outreach work, and daily prasadam distribution in Vrndavan to thousands of guests and residents of the dhama. Contributors can gain access to exclusive content such as ebooks, behind-the-scenes, and more.